Rags the Bee
This is a story about how it all started.
And the journey begins in 2nd grade, at 112 St Elementary school in South Los Angeles. Sadly, I don’t recall my 2nd grade teacher’s name, but I do remember her saying, “Okay, students, today we will make our own stories.” I had no idea what my story would be, but I can still feel that moment of excitement! I’d found my calling.
I found my story witnessing a poor little bee struggling to fly. It was wet, and could not flap its wings. From that I created my first children’s story, “Rags the Bee”.
Admittedly, my memory becomes a little hazy at this point, beyond the paper cut to the palm of my hand, and that first smell of rubber glue. The agony, and the ecstasy of an artistic life, had begun!
The lasting image in my mind? Being handed the final product, that our teacher bound together with thick, pillowy twine. I was so proud! My story of how a bee, I named Rags, loses and then regains his wings (via magic), was an official book. Ready for anyone to read.
And so, “Rags the Bee” was complete. And my path in life was now set. Though, hardly in a straight line.
So, how is it going? Well, that’s a whole other blog entry. But I’m hoping that a modern version of “Rags the Bee” will gain its wings, and become an official children’s story. And hopefully (with a lot of hard work), very soon!